Bunny in a Hat Magic Database Help Bunny in a Hat


Magic Statistics

There are five tabs of the Magic Statistics page. We hope each of them provides information you will find valuable when analyzing your collection.


This tab summarizes your data for books and tricks is as many ways as we could find useful.

The top part of the page gives summary information for your books and videos. This includes total value for all your titles, and the average value for those titles that have a price entered. We also summarize your titles by media and category.

Tying your titles and tricks together, we show you how many titles in your library have tricks entered for them.

The last part of this summary is of your tricks. It shows you the total number of tricks, as well as how many of them are from books/videos and how many of them are physical tricks and props.

Tricks per Book

Gives a list of all the titles in your database, and how many tricks in the database are in each.

  • Find Tricks - This will take you to the Find Trick screen, and show you all the tricks for the book you've clicked on.
  • Show Book - This will take you to the Find Book screen, and show you the information for the book you've clicked on.

There are radio buttons on this page that will allow you to:

  • Show most tricks first - Allows you to see you most "valuable" books.
  • Show fewest tricks first - Highlights those books with no tricks. Perhaps they haven't been read yet, or they aren't useful to you.
  • Order by Title - Allows you to see how many tricks are in any book.

Keywords, Sleights, or Props

These tabs show you how often the item is associated with tricks you've entered in the database.

There are radio buttons on this page that will allow you to sort by:

  • Show Highest Count First - Allows you to see you most "valuable" item.
  • Show Lowest Count First - Highlights unused items.
  • Order by Item - Allows you to easily find how often a specific item shows up in your tricks.

Items on the Windows Menu

Database Status

This gives you information about the physical database.